To The One I Love — This Is Why I Will Choose You

You came into my life like a thief, unexpected. You surprised me with all the good things about you. You made me love life even more. Suddenly, you became the best choice I’ve ever made.

I choose you because you’re kind-hearted. You always have the heart to help people surrounding you, even strangers. You have the advocacy to share what you have. You are generous, in all forms. You are not hesitant to bring the light in someone else’s life. You make things better.

I choose you because you’re honest. Your sincerity covers all the questions in my mind. You have the power to speak and point out your thoughts right away. You will straightly say what I look like or what wrong I’ve done. You are my instant adviser. You are my anchor.

I choose you because you’re brave. You always fight for me, for us and for what we have. Together, we are facing the struggles of this relationship. You always hold my hand. You are my greatest shield. You are not afraid to get back up after being held down. You are a soldier and you cast your own wars.

I choose you because you’re special. You may not see it but you deserve to be treated like one. You have the ability to make love with my soul. You have the capacity to keep my universe brighter. You are the stars, the moon and the skies. You are everything I hoped for. You are a blessing, the answer to my prayers.

I choose you because you make me happy. No matter what we’ve been through, I can always have you. I can always count on you. Your efforts still make my heart jump. Your simple gestures of love can give me bliss. Your corny jokes and goofiness make me laugh too hard. Being with you makes me smile more. You are the pursuit of my happiness. You make everything worthwhile.

I choose you because I love you. You always hold a special place in my heart. You never got out, you are always here. I love you beyond words and reasons. I am always sure of what I feel for you. You are my partner, in all aspects of my life. I am not letting you go, I am holding you tighter.

Every day, I will love you even more.

The journey we’ve had is tough. We’ve been through the lowest point of our lives and yet, we still have each other. Ups and downs, twists and turns – we always find our way back into love. What we have is great and true. No matter how far we’ll go, I will still choose you. Always.

About The Author

AJ is someone who finds beauty in everyone and everything. She pursues her dreams with determination, turning them into reality. Through writing and photography, she captures her thoughts and the world around her. She believes her purpose is to listen and to love. Though she sometimes feels a sense of emptiness without knowing its source, she always chooses happiness in the end.

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