Take A Chance On Me
Take a chance on me. I know those words are wrought with uncertainty. I know you’ve taken chances before and they have flopped and floundered and left you high and…
This Is Me Finding My Own Closure
This is me coming to terms that the person I loved no longer exists. For if he is still around, he wouldn’t have turned his back on me so heartlessly…
I’m Disappointed, But I’m Not Surprised
I kept giving you chances because I wanted to believe things would be different the next time. I tried to picture a perfect future where you changed, where you gave…
If They Don’t Do These 8 Things Every Day, They Don’t Really Love You
We always have our topmost relationship goal: to be with someone for a lifetime. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been together for just days or years—sometimes, we just need validation…
Your Knight Isn’t Coming, You Need To Save Yourself
You must save yourself. These past few months have been nothing short of brutal. I wake up most mornings with what feels like an elephant of anxiety sitting on my…
All The Types Of Love You’ll Encounter Before You Find ‘The One’
The types of love you’ll encounter before finding the one, explained through my personal story.
How To Trust Someone Again After They Hurt You
You look at him and all you can see is the pain he caused you. You see him as someone who will hurt you, again and again. You are stuck…
I Don’t Do Lukewarm Love
This is my take on love—how it grows, how it hurts, and how sometimes, the only way to move forward is to let go.
Read This If You Give Too Much In Friendships And Feel Unappreciated
Being the girl known for giving is beautiful when you learn how to balance it out in a way that is fair to your own heart.
Don’t Marry Them Unless They Have These 11 Green Flags
Please, follow this advice.